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Blue Sky with Clouds

Licensed Reflexologist & Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner 

Alisha Hamm​





  45 Mins. Reflexology for

Kids & those 65+,


  60 Mins. Relaxation Reflexology        (hands & feet)


  75 or 90 Mins. for Mind-Body             Reflexology with Reiki

  (feet, hands & ears)


  *prices same as massage.



Reflexology helps to balance all systems of the body, and provides foot, hand and sensory relief. It is a complementary holistic practice that stimulates the complex neural pathways linking body systems, supporting the body’s efforts to function optimally with thumb and finger walking and rotating on a point in the feet, hands and sometimes ears. Each session is customized with feet, hand and/or ear reflexology and can include essential oils, based on the clients needs.


Structural definition: This specific protocol seeks to correct foot problems like arch tiredness, foot strain/sprain, hip/knee pain, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, bunions, and Morton’s Neuroma. The session starts with assessing foot structure, alignment, join and muscle tension. Then it starts face up for zone theory reflexology, massage techniques and face down for gentle traction. Foot structure and alignment are retested at the end to visually see results. The results are optimal comfortability and functionality and relief from compensation.


Contact Alisha:





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